Saturday, August 10, 2013

32 Weeks Old

Such a chill baby when he's got a belly full of milk and a whole world to look at.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Just SO Cuddley

All photos taken during 22 week /. 4th month.  

Milestone: self initiated tummy time

He is rolling onto his belly and no longer by accident! I predict he will crawl or walk sooner than I expect. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

So fantastic this one

And he is wearing 9 month size Jammies as a 4.5 year old, pulling on my shirt, giggle at me. 

With His Girls

Benny is 21 weeks old. 
Mama is 30 years old.
Elsa is 2 years old. 

Park Tagalong

Ben seems to enjoy all our outings. Try also don't get in the way of his naps either. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

First Pair of Shoes

Aunt Rachel sent these new special shoes for Benjamin from Boston. The are as much a toy as a piece of clothing for him, and since he loves grabbing his feet he is really curious about them!!

Thanks Ayhan and Rachel! 

Special Quilt

This special blanket has embroidery work and quilting done by Jeanette Landolt, Benjamin's great grandmother, and Becky Landolt Haid, Benjamin's paternal grandmother. 

He rescue we the quilt four months later than the givers hoped because the had a girl quilt made up for a granddaughter... We left his gender to surprise and that meant they had a 50/50 shot in making a correct special quilt for the new baby! They guessed wrong, so Ben may have a  future sister with the other quilt. 

Spending Tine in the (Play) Gym

Rolling around, tugging on things, getting more active each day. 

Photos takes in Ben's 20th week, July 27,2013. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

First Picnic at Shelter Gardens

Benjamin slept through most of it, however. 

Baby Wearing Benny

Benjamin had a rough afternoon and needed extra cuddles. The Ergo carrier helped him to relax and fall asleep. 

Six Weeeks!!

During his sixth week, Benjamin David...

Learned how to coordinate muscles to wiggle and kick and move the mobile above bouncy hair

Started to smile and be amused by family

Gulped a six ounce bottle once, then barely touched another

Uncurled hands from fists when sleeping

Make a laughing like noise.

Was fussy as result of dairy in my diet.

Tracks me with his eyes and can sort of turn head

Still naps well in car/carseat/stroller

Eats at 10:30pm, 1 or 3 AM and 5 AM , then at 2.5-3 hr intervals each day

Sustains small injuries from over eager sister and brother

Large enough for all 3 month clothing

Sleeps best at an incline

Seven Weeks Old

Coordinating kicking movements
Looking amused by familiar voices
Tracking moving people and objects
Likes eye contact
Thunderous, gassy, mucous poops if milk has even a smidge dairy residue from my practically dairy free diet
Mostly a great napper
Hates to burp, cough, and have puke coming out of nose
Tries to drink bath water
Takes bottle well, but has less than I've per week
Seems very captivated by play gymobile
Had a weekend if Aunt Rachel cuddles
Wears pink and purple diapers on occasion
Fills out size 3 month clothes
Seems to hate the reflux medicine and spits it out
Is quiet when outdoors

Scenes From Week 5