Saturday, December 7, 2013

Eight Months

Benny, you are often the sweetest and happiest parts of my day.  I don't blog this much, because I don't want my other kids or my spouse to feel inadequate.  They are important, too.  BUT YOU.  Gosh, you are in the cutest phase.  Each phase seems to just get sweeter.  I appreciate you, and I love you, and I even watch you while you sleep.  Yes, its kind of creepy.  But for the lack of blog posts here, you might not realize how loved you are.  You are a charmer, clapping for us, grinning and catching my eye across a room, entertaining yourself with hinges and doors, and an enthusiastic eater.  You are so loved, and I don't write often because I just enjoy spending time with you so much more than typing about you.


PS - You are saying dada now, and haven't said Mama in ages.  Oh well.

Here are some photos from November, when your 8th month birthday happened.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

32 Weeks Old

Such a chill baby when he's got a belly full of milk and a whole world to look at.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Just SO Cuddley

All photos taken during 22 week /. 4th month.  

Milestone: self initiated tummy time

He is rolling onto his belly and no longer by accident! I predict he will crawl or walk sooner than I expect. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

So fantastic this one

And he is wearing 9 month size Jammies as a 4.5 year old, pulling on my shirt, giggle at me. 

With His Girls

Benny is 21 weeks old. 
Mama is 30 years old.
Elsa is 2 years old. 

Park Tagalong

Ben seems to enjoy all our outings. Try also don't get in the way of his naps either. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

First Pair of Shoes

Aunt Rachel sent these new special shoes for Benjamin from Boston. The are as much a toy as a piece of clothing for him, and since he loves grabbing his feet he is really curious about them!!

Thanks Ayhan and Rachel!