Saturday, December 7, 2013

Eight Months

Benny, you are often the sweetest and happiest parts of my day.  I don't blog this much, because I don't want my other kids or my spouse to feel inadequate.  They are important, too.  BUT YOU.  Gosh, you are in the cutest phase.  Each phase seems to just get sweeter.  I appreciate you, and I love you, and I even watch you while you sleep.  Yes, its kind of creepy.  But for the lack of blog posts here, you might not realize how loved you are.  You are a charmer, clapping for us, grinning and catching my eye across a room, entertaining yourself with hinges and doors, and an enthusiastic eater.  You are so loved, and I don't write often because I just enjoy spending time with you so much more than typing about you.


PS - You are saying dada now, and haven't said Mama in ages.  Oh well.

Here are some photos from November, when your 8th month birthday happened.