Thursday, April 4, 2013

Three Weeks Old

Dear Ben,

In your third week a lot of changes happened.

I went to the ER for a full day and the was admitted to hospital for two more days. During his time you only nursed twice and had bottles of breast milk the rest of the time. Your dad cared for you all day Friday and then when I had to stay, his parents came up to be with you and DHH.
You were so well behaved for them and I know they loved caring for you. I really missed you and your snuggles.

Another big change is that we moved houses. This meant we packed all week. You weren't affected much by this since you don't own many things. I did stop cloth diapering you full time this week so that we had less laundry. I spent $30 in paper diapers and that drove me bananas!! I hate that your carbon footprint and waste production is higher because we didn't cloth diaper all week, but it's a good thing for me to be aware of so I can continue to save money and teach you importance of living with clean environment in mind.

DHH called you little Ben Ben most of the time, and I followed his lead. I also called you Davy. I am having hard time choosing which nickname I prefer for you! Benjamin is a fine name that lends itself to many nicknames. I like long names though, so I may never use Benny or Jamie.

You wiggled more this week.
You have a strong neck and are trying to use it to lift up more than I think a wee babe should! You want to see everything.
You looked at your family a lot this newel, and your gaze is strong and you really see us. We have a lot of eye contact with you.
You started having a little reflux. Just a few spits per day. You also are making a lot of gas, and DHH and I started to call it thunder poops. It seems to make sense!

I really care about you, my Ben Ben.


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